Yibo Zhang | 张轶博

I am a first-year Master student in the Intelligent Content Learning (ICL) Group at Jilin University, supervised by Associate Professor Rui Ma.

My research interests focus on the computer graphics and 3D content generation. I am particularly interested in 3D scene/object generation and differentiable rendering.

I graduated from Jilin University in 2023 with a Bachelor degree in computer science. During undergraduate, I also interned at Zhejiang Lab, Huawei and ByteDance.

I am also a member of the PaperABC team on the Bilibili video platform, responsible for sharing cutting-edge research in 3D AIGC. Welcome to keep following us!

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  • Feb. 2024   One paper is accepted by CVPR 2024.


Diff3DS: Generating View-Consistent 3D Sketch via Differentiable Curve Rendering
Yibo Zhang, Lihong Wang, Changqing Zou, Tieru Wu, Rui Ma
Preprint, 2024
Project / Paper

We propose Diff3DS, a novel differentiable rendering framework for generating view-consistent 3D sketch from flexible inputs such as a single image or text.

3D-SceneDreamer: Text-Driven 3D-Consistent Scene Generation
Songchun Zhang, Yibo Zhang, Quan Zheng, Rui Ma, Wei Hua, Hujun Bao,
Weiwei Xu, Changqing Zou
CVPR, 2024

We present 3D-SceneDreamer that provides a unified solution for text-driven 3D consistent indoor and outdoor scene generation.


Research Intern, Zhejiang Lab. Advised by Changqing Zou. Feb. 2023 - Aug. 2023
Algorithm Engineer Intern, Huawei. Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2022
Algorithm Engineer Intern, ByteDance. Jan. 2022 - May. 2022

Website design from Jon Barron.